Classes and Objects
By: Mustafif Khan
Language: Kotlin
Classes and Objects
In Kotlin, a class is a blueprint for creating objects (instances). It defines the structure and behavior of objects. Here’s an explanation of the elements within a class:
Class Declaration: A class is declared using the class keyword followed by the class name.
Properties (Fields): Properties are variables that hold data within a class. They define the characteristics or attributes of an object.
Constructors: Constructors are special functions responsible for initializing the properties of a class when an object is created. In the code example, there are two constructors: a primary constructor and a secondary constructor. The primary constructor is declared in the class header, and secondary constructors are defined using the constructor keyword.
Member Functions: These are functions defined within the class. They encapsulate behavior associated with the class.
// Class declaration
class MyClass {
// Properties (fields)
var property1: Int = 0
var property2: String = ""
// Primary Constructor: Initializes properties when an instance is created.
constructor(prop1: Int, prop2: String) {
this.property1 = prop1
this.property2 = prop2
// Secondary Constructor: Allows different ways to create instances.
constructor(prop1: Int) : this(prop1, "Default")
// Member functions: Functions defined within the class.
fun myFunction() {
println("property1: $property1, property2: $property2")
Objects in Kotlin are instances of classes. They allow you to create and manipulate instances of a class. Here’s an explanation of the elements related to objects:
Creating an Instance of a Class: You create an instance (object) of a class using the class’s constructor.
Accessing Properties: You can access the properties of an object using the dot notation to retrieve their values.
Calling Member Functions: To execute functions defined within a class, you call them using the object followed by the function name (obj.myFunction()).
Companion Objects: In Kotlin, you can define a companion object within a class. A companion object is like a singleton associated with the class, used for defining properties and functions that are associated with the class itself rather than its instances. It’s similar to a static context in other languages.
// Creating an instance of a class
val obj = MyClass(42, "Hello")
// Accessing properties
val value1 = obj.property1
val value2 = obj.property2
// Calling member functions
// Companion Objects: A companion object is like a singleton associated with the class.
class MyClass {
companion object {
// Properties and functions within the companion object
var count: Int = 0
// Function to create instances of MyClass
fun create(): MyClass {
return MyClass()
val newObj = MyClass.create() // Creates an instance using the companion object
val objCount = MyClass.count // Accesses the companion object properties
Inheritance is a fundamental concept in object-oriented programming, allowing one class to inherit properties and methods from another class. Here’s an explanation:
Inheriting from a Class: To create a new class that inherits from an existing class, you use the
symbol followed by the name of the parent class (class ChildClass : ParentClass()
). This establishes a parent-child relationship, where ChildClass inherits properties and functions from ParentClass. -
Overriding: When a child class wants to provide a specialized implementation of a function inherited from its parent class, it can override that function using the override keyword. The overridden function is then customized in the child class.
// Inheriting from a class
open class ParentClass {
open fun parentFunction() {
println("This is the parent function.")
class ChildClass : ParentClass() {
override fun parentFunction() {
println("This is the overridden child function.")
Abstract Classes
Abstract classes are classes that cannot be instantiated directly but can be subclassed. They often contain abstract functions that must be implemented by their subclasses:
Abstract Function: An abstract function is declared using the abstract keyword and lacks an implementation within the abstract class itself. Subclasses must provide implementations for abstract functions.
Concrete Function: A concrete function is a regular function that has an implementation. It may be overridden by subclasses but doesn’t have to be.
abstract class AbstractClass {
// Abstract function: Must be implemented by subclasses.
abstract fun abstractFunction()
// Concrete function: Optional and can have a default implementation.
open fun concreteFunction() {
println("This is a concrete function.")
// Creating an instance of the abstract class is not allowed.
// val abstractObj = AbstractClass() // Error
// Creating an instance of a subclass and implementing the abstract function
class Subclass : AbstractClass() {
override fun abstractFunction() {
println("This is the implementation of abstractFunction.")
val subObj = Subclass()
subObj.concreteFunction() // Calls the inherited concrete function
Interfaces define a contract for classes, specifying a set of functions that must be implemented by any class that implements the interface:
Interface Declaration: An interface is declared using the interface keyword, followed by the interface name. It contains function declarations but no implementations.
Implementing an Interface: To implement an interface, a class uses the
symbol followed by the interface name in its class declaration. The implementing class must provide implementations for all the functions declared in the interface.
interface MyInterface {
// Function declaration: Interface defines a contract without implementation.
fun interfaceFunction()
class MyClass : MyInterface {
override fun interfaceFunction() {
println("This is the implementation of interfaceFunction.")
// Creating an instance of the class that implements the interface
val obj = MyClass()
obj.interfaceFunction() // Calls the implemented interface function
Data Classes
Data classes are a concise way to create classes that primarily hold data. Kotlin generates common methods like toString(), equals(), hashCode(), and copy() for data classes automatically:
Data Class Declaration: You declare a data class using the data keyword before the class keyword. Data classes typically have properties as their primary focus.
Automatically Generated Methods: Data classes automatically generate methods like
(for human-readable string representation),equals()
(for comparing objects by content),hashCode()
(for use in hash-based collections), andcopy()
(for creating a copy with optional property changes).
data class UserData(val name: String, val age: Int)
// Creating instances of data classes
val user1 = UserData("Alice", 30)
val user2 = UserData("Bob", 25)
// Automatically generated methods
println(user1.toString()) // Prints: UserData(name=Alice, age=30)
println(user1 == user2) // Prints: false
Sealed Classes
A sealed class is a restricted class hierarchy used when you want to represent a limited set of types, often used in expressions like when:
Sealed Class Declaration: You declare a sealed class using the sealed keyword before the
keyword. Sealed classes can have subclasses, but these subclasses are typically defined within the same file. -
Subclasses: Subclasses of sealed classes are defined within the same file as the sealed class itself. These subclasses are often used in when expressions to handle specific cases.
Use in when Expressions: Sealed classes are particularly useful in when expressions because you can ensure that all possible cases are covered, making your code more robust.
sealed class Result {
data class Success(val data: String) : Result()
data class Error(val message: String) : Result()
// Creating instances of sealed classes
val result: Result = Result.Success("Data")
when (result) {
is Result.Success -> println( // Prints the data
is Result.Error -> println(result.message) // Doesn't execute in this case